Tuesday, May 4, 2010

World War Z by Max Brooks

At first I didnt think I was going to be able to get into this book, but then it hooked me in. It's style(snap-shot interviews with "survivors" of the zombie apocalypse) is different so it takes some adjusting, but ultimately it is refreshing. It's more topical and enlightening than it is scary, though it certainly is both. Im only half-way through, but Im enjoying it so far. I needed something a bit "fun" to read after finishing Zeitoun by Dave Eggers (but good lord that book was good, as is all of Eggers' stuff).

What is it about zombies that is so engrossing? Is it the fact that they are just inside the uncanny valley and that they repulse us just as much as they attract us? Is it that they can hold up a mirror to society better than any other horror creation of the 20th century? We see so much of ourselves in the undead that it is scary. Personally, I love trying to answer the what-if questions that the genre poses. Would you be able to off a friend, family member, any loved one--or would you let them turn into something they are not? It's a question I would most certainly ask in job interviews.

Regardless, check out World War Z by Max Brooks. It is fun.

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