Thursday, January 14, 2010

Moon: See It Now

Moon is one of those movies that proves all that you need to make a classic film is original ideas, a good script, and a powerhouse performance. I will say that not only does Sam Rockwell deserve to be nominated for an oscar--but he deserves to win the damn thing. It is the best performance since Daniel Day-Lewis' in There Will Be Blood.

The flick's set-up is a rather simple one. You have a guy, Sam, who works on a space station (located on the moon, obviously) harvesting H-3, which is being used for energy down on Earth. It is just him and a helpful robot, Gerty. The deal is: he works on the station for 3 years, by himself, after which he gets to go home to his wife and daughter. Of course, things never go as planned and Sam runs into several obstacles (which i will remain spoiler-free on).

In my opinion this flick ranks up there with the great Hard-Sci-Fi films like Children of Men and Blade Runner. It is emotionally-riveting and the philosophical questions that it raises are more than thought-provoking. Im gonna keep this blog a bit short because, simply, words escape me on this film, as I was so surprised and impressed by it. All I really need to say is Moon is my favorite film of the year, and I think you at least need to go see it.

Oh, by the way--it was made for only 5 million dollars. Incredible.

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