Friday, June 4, 2010

List of the Week: Things To Do on a Friday Night

This sin't so much of a "ranking" post as it is just me trying to figure out what I want to do tonight. There isn't really anything out in theaters that I'm dying to se (although Splice looks interesting). Also, another thing to keep in mind is that I had a fairly busy week and I'm not exactly wanting to go "out" and do anything that requires that much physical commitment, I really just want to relax.

(Note: All of the following will be done with wine)

1. Friday Night Lights- The best show on TV that noone is watching (possibly because it comes on on Friday evenings). I'm actually looking forward to this episode because *spoilers* last week Matt's father was suddenly killed in Iraq setting up tonight's episode to be rather emotional.

2. The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus- Some people really cant get into Terry Gilliam's movies, but I really love his visual style. His narratives can sometimes get convoluted but when he is on, he is on. Take Brazil for example. Also, I'd like to see how Gilliam was still able to make this film when Heath Ledger died in the middle of it. Oh yea, and Tom Waits plays the devil--sweet.

3. Another Bullshit Night in Suck City- I'm about half-way through this book and it is really incredible. Nick Flynn is a poet so his memior certainly has some musicality to it. The memoir depicts when Flynn was working at a homeless shelter and meets his estranged father sleeping in one of the beds. It's bleak, depressing, and often funny. Perfect for a relaxing Friday night.

4. Netflix Instant- Because we have over 200 titles in our instant queue there is at least something interesting to watch. Can I also say that I love the fact that Criterion has been making their titles available to the masses the Netflix Instant. Very cool.

5. Do nothing- Sometimes I feel like a slob just lying on my couch diddling on my macbook--but there is definitely something nice about doing nothing at all. I appreciate it.

Hopefully, I'll be able to figure something out.

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