Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Movie Review: Food Inc. (2009)

One of the best documentaries I have seen in a while. The non-biased approach to this film makes it very hard to argue against. But who really would want to? I mean I dont know very many people who would argue for these big corporations that would rather see dollar signs than a healthy America.

The food industry is one of the biggest, as well as highly subsidized, industries in the United States. Although some of the information in this film may seem like common sense (for instance food being cleaned or inspected before it is shipped to consumers), it's shocking how much is ignored. The film also brings to light how difficult the fight in Washington is because these corporations have so many well-paid lawyers determined to bring down any kind of hardship these corporations may face.

Food Inc. (2009) brings to light several issues that are often overlooked, making you very careful of where you shop, and what you buy--as you should be. I would be surprised if anyone watches this film and then goes straight back to their regular eating habits.

What I found most interesting about this film is that it doesn't just tackle the health risks of these big corporations not getting the proper oversight over their products, but it also tackles the economic issues as well. These large corporations are slowly but surely putting hard-working, honest farmers out of business.

I read in a magazine the other day that 70 cents of every dollar that you spend in a local store stays in your community, while only 20 cents of every dollar spent in a chain stays. Hard facts to ignore when the economy is in the can...

Check out this film--it may be the most important film made this year!

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